Wednesday, May 1, 2019


First some background.  In the 80's and 90's my family would make many weekend trips to Door and Kewaunee County to visit my grandfather.  And even after he passed away in the later 80's, we'd continued to visit other relatives in the area.

My father is the youngest of his siblings, so he really has less Walloon under his belt compared to his older siblings.  Never the less, in these weekend trips and visits to the Pines Tavern, Chaudoirs Dock, Chris & Jack's Belgian Bar, I heard some Walloon.

For many years I assumed some of what I heard in Walloon was things the grown-up's didn't want us kids to understand.  So the name of this blog is sort of a spoof on that.  It turns out now (at age 40), I am finally starting to look into what I heard, my parents and relatives aren't as vile as I would have guessed back then.

But the "Pardon My Walloon" title is catchy, so it will stick.  In future entries I will explore some of the more common Walloon phrases that I can remember hearing.  The problem of course is trying to figure out how to spell them.

There is a professor from UW-Eau Claire, Kelly Biers working on documenting the language, but so far I haven't seen much shared, online at least.  So that is where this blog comes in.  To try and share the very little I do know, or can find out to help the next person.  To me that is what life is about, and is what great about the internet.

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